A Fenwick Tree (also Binary Indexed Tree (BIT)) is a useful data structure to calculate sum of a consecutive subset (also known as Range Sum Query (RSQ)) in an ordered set.
The advantage is that we can use it to update elements efficiently, in O(log n).
Another cool thing: we can use bit manipulation techniques for more efficiency.
Each node is responsible for the sum of elements in a coonsecutive subset; which one? the node $i$ keeps the sum for the subset $[(i - LSOne(i)+1), …, i]$. ($LSOne(i)$ for a binary number gives the least significant bit that is one. For example, for $6$ it would be $2$.)
Why is it structured like this? becuase then we can easily and efficiently:
First, if we want to compute $rsq(i,j)$, we can just calculate $rsq(1,j)$ and $rsq(1, i-1)$ and the substract them from eachother; so it boils down to computing $rsq(1,i)$.
if $i^{\prime} = i - LSOne(i)$ (what is does is simply removing the least significant one-bit and keeping the rest) did you what happened there? :D we had the node $i$ responsible for the subset $[(i - LSOne(i)+1), …, i]$, and then the node $i^{\prime}$ is responsible for $[(i^{\prime} - LSOne(i^{\prime})+1), …, (i - LSOne(i))]$, and … ; so, if we continue like that, till reaching zero, we get the sum of all elements from $1$ to $i$. \(rsq(1,i) = n_{i} + n_{i^{\prime}} + n_{i^{\prime \prime}} ...\)
The complexity? $O(log n)$.
Secondly, we want to update the element at the index $i$, Let’s say we want to add $v$ to it : what nodes would this update affect? all the nodes such as $j$ where $ i \in [(j - LSOne(j)+1), …, j]$; what are those? those that when you drop their least significant one-bit are less than $i$ but are larger than $i$: this part is slightly more tricky to digest, but the logic behind it is that we shouold start from $i$ and add something to it to push the least significant one-bit further. It is beacuse as long as this one-bit goes further, the remaining number would be larger than $i$ after removing it. To push this one-bit further, we can add the value of the least significant one-bit to it: $[(i + LSOne(i)), (i + LSOne(i) + LSOne(i + LSOne(i))), …]$
The complexity? again $O(log n)$.
The implementation is taken from the book Competitive Programmingn book 1, by Steven and Felix Halim and Suhendry Effendy.
#define LSOne(S) ((S) & (-S))
typedef vector<int> vi;
class FenwickTree {
vi ft;
FenwickTree(int n) {
ft.assign(n + 1, 0); // Fenwick Tree is 1-based index, so size n+1
// Function to update the Fenwick Tree with a new value at index idx
void update(int i, int value) {
while (idx <= n) {
ft[idx] += value;
i += LSOne(i); // Move to the next responsible node
// Function to compute the prefix sum from index 1 to idx
int query(int i) {
int sum = 0;
while (i > 0) {
sum += ft[i];
i -= LSOne(i); // Move to the parent node
return sum;
// Function to get the sum in the range [l, r]
int rsqe(int i, int j) {
return query(i) - query(i - 1);
Things to still add: Other operations that can be done on Fenwick Tree, their complexity, and the complete implementation.